Thursday, November 26, 2020

Yr 4 Introduction Day

 Yr 4 introduction day slides

This is my year 4 introduction slides . On Tuesday 24th we had to introduce the year 4s to the HUB because they are coming to join the year 5s next year to be apart of the HUB.

Monday, November 9, 2020


Friday, October 16, 2020

Reading with Miss M

 In today's reading block I worked with Miss M. We did a activity called Iron Tamariki. The first thing we did was before we begin.  It was on have you ever wanted to do something really badly but you were not sure if you could do it? Did you have to persevere. Here's what I wrote.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

In the recent term we have been working on art, one of the art activity's  we did was designing, coloring and cutting/backing our T-Shirts. 
This is the result of mine! 
How we made them. 
Firstly we started by sketching our designs onto our piece of paper, once we were happy with our designs we started to color them. The color took the most time because we had to make sure that we didn't miss any tiny details. 
Lastly we had to cut it out then choose a color to back it with.

Monday, September 14, 2020


Wednesday, September 2, 2020



Today we watched a video on what confidence is, here is the link if you would like to check it out -

Confidence is when you are not afraid to do different things you have never done before, being able to stand up to a bully and not be a bystander.

Not having confidence is not being able to do different things and being a bystander not a upstander.